Deeply appreciate #Vienna’s #Freedom to #Exception as much as being part of this special (or #bestof) program by Daniel Ebner.
Happy to distance myself from the theater-only policy of the film, so boys n girls and all beyond that categories in #Austria: here’s your #first and #final option to watch FIRST TIME [The Time for All but Sunset – VIOLET] #online!

Hint for #TicToc generation:
You just cant „skip to the good part“ as that’s hidden between every #frame (there are 25 in one second).
The film uses circumstances&chances of a collaborative #cinema theater viewing, so it only has a chance, if you find a way for #enjoying with #ease.
A #relaxed situation (maybe after work & #sunset), when it’s also a bit darker – with a good sound level or even better with #headphones in #bed, right before #falling #asleep.

„[…] Das ist tatsächlich einer meiner Lieblinge, aber das hat weniger mit der Länge zu tun, sondern mehr mit Schmidt und seiner außergewöhnlichen Gabe, aus vermeintlich kleinen Szenen großes Kino zu zaubern. Das mag ich grundsätzlich sehr, wenn im Kleinen das Große sichtbar und spürbar wird.“
(Daniel Ebner, Vienna Shorts)